It's been awhile since I've last written, so I have a lot to update on. The reason for the silence is that everyone has been very ill. Last weekend was the worst of it because we were all sick at the same time, and thankfully, we are all better now. Lauren had her 15 month check up and she is doing well, she is just petite. She is 19 1/2 lbs. and 29 3/4 in. tall, which is way under what she needs to be. She is a really good eater, but she is just small. She is also walking all over the place now. She can also say mommy, daddy, night-night, amen, please, upstairs, papa, more, and all done. Her personality is really starting to come out now. She loves to have fun and dance, but she also likes to snuggle and just sit.
Curtis is starting to mature and his sweet side is really starting to show. The other day, he came up to me, out of the blue, hugged my leg, and said, "Mommy, I love you." Boy, did my heart melt! He is also starting to sing a lot more. Last week he was putting his Pooh bear to bed and he sang Jesus Loves Me to him (I sing that song to Curtis when I put him to bed). Last night when we were coming home from my grandparents house, the worship song Your Grace Is Enough came on the radio, and Curtis was singing along with it. Listening to him sing worship songs really makes me feel great to be his mom. I look forward to seeing him grow and mature in the Lord.
My morning sickness is starting to go away. I'm having more good days than sick days now. I've outgrown all but two pairs of regular jeans, but my belly isn't big enough for my maternity clothes yet. I might have to go buy some smaller size maternity pants so that I can be more comfortable. I have my next appointment on December 9th and we will be setting up the ultrasound. Kevin and I are still trying to figure out if we are going to find out what we are having. We don't really need to know since we have boy and girl baby clothes already, and I think it would be awesome for Kevin to call out what the sex is when the baby is born. Well, I think I've caught you all up on what is going on in our family. Here are some pictures of Lauren:
Lauren is pretending to be Santa

Lauren eating her Thanksgiving dinner. Yummy!!

California Girl!
P.S. I have a wonderful praise report for all of you. Jon and Ali have just announced that they are pregnant and having twins!! Our God is so awesome! Congratulations and I know that Emmalee is smiling down upon you from Heaven.