"Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it" Proverbs 22:6
Monday, March 30, 2009
What A Week!
This past week has been a tough one for me. I have been on my hands and knees praying and crying over Stellan, praying for Jon & Ali as they continue to deal with their losses, dealing with a teething toddler, and trying to get housework done. I've really worn myself out! The baby gets REALLY active at night and it's getting very hard to get comfortable, so I don't get much sleep. I am SO ready for this baby to make it's appearance. I think Curtis is ready to meet the baby as well. He keeps asking when the baby is going to come out. Last week he was telling me that the baby was going to be another sister, so I asked him what her name was going to be and he said Sweet Pea. I still think it's a boy and I'm praying that it's a boy so that Curtis can have a brother to play and hang out with. Plus Curtis had cute baby clothes that I am just itching to take out of storage. Hope you all have a wonderful week!
Monday, March 23, 2009
Pray For Stellan
I have an urgent prayer request. There is a little 4 month old baby boy in Minnesota named Stellan who desperately needs prayer. He has been in the hospital since yesterday with SVT which is a very high heart rate. He had this condition in the womb and was miraculously healed by our Great Physician. Things aren't looking good for him right now, so we need to get on our knees and intercede on Stellan's behalf. You can go to my sidebar and click on My Charming Kids or go to www.mycharmingkids.net for updates on Stellan's condition. Luke 18:27 says, "What is impossible with men is possible with God." Thank you Lord for that and for keeping Stellan in your hands.
Happy Birthday Kevie!
Yesterday was Kevin's birthday and we had fun celebrating. I had the kids make Kevin a card and it turned out real cute. I stamped some balloons on the front, then we stamped our thumb prints onto the balloons, then the kids drew pictures on the inside. Okay, so it was a bunch of scribbles, but Kevin really loved it. We took Kevin out to Bubba Gump's for lunch, but the kids were acting up, so it wasn't as enjoyable as we had hoped. The highlight was that Kevin had to stand up while the servers sang Happy Birthday and he had to shake his booty to get his ice cream sundae. I wish I had the video camera with. Curtis was so embarrassed, and so was Kevin. After that, we just spent the rest of the day at home, so that Kevin could answer his birthday calls.
I do have a prayer request for you all...Kevin's aunt Janelle has cancer and she had surgery on Saturday to remove a tumor in her leg. She has tumors in her esophagus, lungs, and femur. She will have to go in for radiation as well. Please pray for healing and for strength for her and her family.
I do have a prayer request for you all...Kevin's aunt Janelle has cancer and she had surgery on Saturday to remove a tumor in her leg. She has tumors in her esophagus, lungs, and femur. She will have to go in for radiation as well. Please pray for healing and for strength for her and her family.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
30 Weeks
Well, I had my doctor's appointment today and it went well. The baby's heartbeat is good and strong. I passed my glucose test, but my iron levels are low which means I have to take iron pills for the rest of my pregnacy. I have never had anemia in my life, so this is very strange, but it could explain why I have been so tired this pregnancy. I just thought that it was from chasing around two small children. Oh well, that's just one more pill I have to take. I was also supposed to start coming in every other week, but the nurse said no, so I have one more month to go, which will put me at 34 weeks, then I will come back in at 36 weeks, then weekly after that. It doesn't make sense to me, but I will do it. I have now gained a total of 18 lbs. this pregnancy, so I'm doing good on the weight gain. Anything other than the 40 lbs. I gained with Curtis is great for me.
We are at my grandparents house and the kids are in the backyard playing. My grandmother has a turtle and Lauren is afraid of it. She is watching it swim in the pond, but if it gets out of the water, she cries and wants to be held. Curtis is trying to ride a bicycle. He hasn't figured out yet how to pedal the bike. At lunch today, Curtis was telling me how his hot dog was filled with molicules.(I know I spelled that wrong, but I can't think right now). That boy amazes me with the things he knows. Curtis is our brainiack and Lauren is our love bug. That girl gives the best hugs. I can't wait to see how they react to their baby brother or sister.
We are at my grandparents house and the kids are in the backyard playing. My grandmother has a turtle and Lauren is afraid of it. She is watching it swim in the pond, but if it gets out of the water, she cries and wants to be held. Curtis is trying to ride a bicycle. He hasn't figured out yet how to pedal the bike. At lunch today, Curtis was telling me how his hot dog was filled with molicules.(I know I spelled that wrong, but I can't think right now). That boy amazes me with the things he knows. Curtis is our brainiack and Lauren is our love bug. That girl gives the best hugs. I can't wait to see how they react to their baby brother or sister.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Weekend Fun
So the kids are back and it's life as usual. Kevin and I had a wonderful weekend. On Saturday we slept in which was so nice. I really needed that. We went out to lunch at the Cheesecake Factory since we had a gift card. I got the pasta carbonara which was delicious, and we had the lemoncello cream torte which was equally delicious. After lunch, we went to the movies since I had free passes, and we watched New In Town. It was a cute movie and it takes place in Minnesota, so we laughed our heads off. Hollywood always seems to over exaggerate the accent, but it had a good story line. After the movie, we looked around at the shops and just enjoyed being together. For dinner, we ate at The Corner Bakery, very yummy. We didn't get home 'til 9 p.m. Yesterday, we went to church and it was my Sunday to work in the nursery, but we didn't have any babies, so I was able to listen to the sermon. After church, we went to lunch and went to Walmart to get diapers and pull-ups for the kids. By the time we got home, the kids were on their way back. It's nice to have them back, but I enjoy the peace and quiet. I have my doctor's appointment tomorrow, so I will let you all know how that goes. I can't believe that in ten more weeks we will be meeting our baby. I am so ready...
Friday, March 13, 2009
Home Alone!
Happy Friday everyone! Kevin and I have the whole weekend to ourselves as the kids are at grandma's. They left about an hour ago. I am so looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow and Kevin and I are going to have lunch at the Cheesecake Factory, then head off to the movies. I live for these childless weekends since they come few and far between. I just wanted to share some pictures of the kids being silly. Enjoy!
Mr. Funny Man!!
Going shopping
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
The Future
For the first time in our marriage, Kevin and I have set goals for our future. The number one goal is to buy a house, but we know that will never happen out here, so we have been looking in Minnesota. We really miss being out there with the slower pace and the family values, not to mention Kevin's family is out there, those have been a really big deciding factor. With baby number three due soon, we really want to settle down and have something that is ours. To be able to have a washer and dryer, be able to paint and decorate anyway we want, to have a garage. What a wonderful thought. With Kevin's job situation, he has decided to fly out to Minnesota to check out some staffing agencies and look at some houses. We are very excited about the possibilities, but it's hard to be patient. We would love to just pack everything up and leave asap, but with the baby on the way, we can't, so we wait. The Lord sure does know how to teach patience, doesn't He? That's our main goal, but we also need to get a bigger car, which we can't afford right now. That's really our two main objectives, and getting a second car, which will only happen if we move to Minnesota, so we wait and pray for the Lord to direct our path. We can't wait to see what He has in store for us. Take care everyone and God bless!
Saturday, March 7, 2009
The kids are finally getting better. No more vomiting and diarrhea. The kids are now running around and playing. Their appetites are slowly getting back to normal. Now I'm just praying that I'm not coming down with this stuff. Yesterday I felt horrible and spent the whole day on the couch. Curtis took good care of me and Lauren gave me lots of luvin'. Today I have been so nauseous, so I'm not sure if it's a pregnancy thing or getting what the kids had thing. Hopefully it's just a pregnancy thing. Speaking of which, I am now in the third trimester woohoo! I am so ready to have this baby. This is going to be the longest part of the pregnancy. Thankfully the kids are good helpers. Have a good weekend!
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Wednesday Update
I just wanted to update everyone on how the kids are doing. Sunday evening, Lauren started vomiting and ended up vomiting all night long. On Monday, the kids and I went over to my grandmother's house, so that I could wash Lauren's sheets and her jammies. Lauren was still vomiting and Curtis still had diarrhea, but in the afternoon, Curtis woke up from his nap screaming. He wouldn't let anyone come near him let alone touch him. When I could finally get him to tell me what was wrong, he told me that his right ear hurt. I called Kevin to tell him that we needed to take Curtis to the doctor. After Kevin got home from work, we took Curtis to urgent care and my grandmother watched Lauren (she had stopped vomiting at this point). Urgent care was very busy, so we ended up waiting 1 1/2 hours to get in. While we were waiting, Curtis started vomiting. He vomited three times before we were finally seen. When we got to the triage area so the MA could take Curtis' vitals, Curtis was limp and very pale. When we got to the room, Kevin laid him on the exam table. That boy did not move and he just stared into space. I've never seen him like that and it was scary. The doctor came in and checked Curtis' heartrate. He got very concerned and told us that his heartrate was very high 140. He then asked us if Curtis was getting enough fluids and we told him that Curtis was vomiting up the water that he was drinking, plus he had diarrhea. So the doctor said that he was going to give Curtis some Zofran to hopefully stop the vomiting, so that we could get him to keep the water down. If that didn't work, then they were going to hook him up to an I.V. So, the doctor gave him the Zofran and we kept giving him water for 10 minutes and thankfully it worked. The color started coming back to Curtis' cheeks and he started to talk and notice everything in the room. After 10 minutes, the doctor came back in and checked Curtis' heartrate again, and it had gone down to 110. The doctor then checked Curtis' ears and confirmed that Curtis had an infection in his right ear. So Curtis is now on antibiotics for the next 10 days and Zofran if needed. We did have to use the Zofran yesterday because he started vomiting again. So today, Lauren hasn't had diarrhea or vomiting and Curtis still has diarrhea, but he has his appetite back and he has been drinking a lot of water. If his diarrhea doesn't go away in the next couple of days, I will call his doctor to see if there is anything that we can do. Please pray for Curtis that the Lord would just heal his body from whatever is causing this. Thank you.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Stuck Inside
Well, Kevin made it through the week without getting a pay cut. We were planning on lots of activities this weekend since it's been so nice, but Curtis has had diarrhea and vomiting since yesterday, so we have been stuck inside all weekend. I feel so bad for him when he is sick. He is so pale and he hasn't been talking a whole lot. For those of you who know Curtis, he loves to talk, so this is weird for us. Lauren has been enjoying it because she hasn't had to worry about Curtis taking things away from her. Taking care of a sick child sure does take alot out of a person though. I'm pooped! I have a couple of pictures that I want to share. These pictures are of the kids sleeping. That is my favorite time because they look so angelic and peaceful when they sleep. Kevin brought up a good point. He said that God probably does the same thing with us. Just think about that for a moment, the great God of the universe looking in on us while we sleep and making sure that we are okay, maybe even tucking us in. What an awesome thought and one that brings such comfort.
Don't they look so peaceful?
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