I hope you all had a wonderful holiday weekend. On Friday, we took the kids over to Curtis' school to fly kites and can you guess what kind of kites they were...If you guessed Buzz Lightyear you're right. Lauren wasn't interested, so Curtis flew his, then he wanted to go play so I ended up flying it. We had so much fun and can't wait to do it again.
On Saturday, we took all three kids to the movies to see Toy Story 3. I was very nervous about how the kids were going to behave, but they were great. Lauren had a few moments when she would scream if one of us got up to leave, so we had to bring her with us. Curtis didn't move the whole movie, except to go to the bathroom, and he even shushed me for trying to talk to him during the movie! Claire would crack up at some of the characters when they came on screen, then she would clap at certain parts. It was too cute! After the movie was over, they were asking to see it again so that will be on our Christmas list this year.
On Sunday, our church had a picnic at one of the parks nearby, so we spent the majority of the day just hanging out. This park was amazing. The playground was the best I've ever seen. I wish I would've brought my camera with. Curtis even played some games with the rest of the kids. He is really good at walking/running with a cotton ball on a spoon. The best part was when the wiffleball game was about to start, kids vs. adults. Our pastor led everyone in singing The Star Spangled Banner. When we finished, the group at the picnic tables next to ours clapped and cheered for us and in the end, the kids beat the adults.
Yesterday, we didn't do much, just hung out at home and went through boxes so that we can reorganize our spare room. Kevin doesn't want to get a storage unit so all of our boxes are in the apartment with us, which doesn't leave us much room. We did get rid of three boxes of stuff and Kevin will be stacking boxes tomorrow so that we can try to use half of the room. We also finally moved Claire into the kids' room and out of our room...woo hoo! The first time since she was born that we have our bedroom to ourselves again.

Here is Curtis flying his kite.

The kids wearing their SeaBee shirts in honor of my brother.
This is from when we had all of the tornadoes hit the state. Isn't the sky an eerie color?
That's all I have for now. Have a great week.