I cannot believe that my little girl is 18 months old! My, my how time flies. She doesn't even look like a baby anymore. Once her hair grows in some more, she will actually look like a little girl and not a boy, woohoo! That is what I'm looking forward to, being able to braid her hair and put cute little accessories in her hair. The Lord is teaching me patience on that one. Anyway, Lauren had her doctor's appointment this morning. She is now a whopping 21 lbs. and is 31 1/2 inches long. I really thought she was going to weigh more than that. In December she weighed 20 lbs. and she has chunked out since then, but oh well, she is just going to be petite. Lauren has still been having some bleeding, but just enough to know it's there and it's only happening once every two weeks, so the doctor suggested giving Lauren benefiber everyday. So we will see how that works. I will do whatever as long as she doesn't have to have the barium enema. I also talked to the doctor about her thumb sucking, since it's starting to give her an overbite. He suggested putting stuff on her tumbs for nail biting. I'm not to sure about that, so if anyone has any suggestions, please send them my way. Here are some pictures of our little princess. Enjoy!
I'm still in awe that Lauren went from this...
To this in 18 months. God is so amazing!
Having a jam session with Daddy
Jeremiah and Lauren will have matching overbites :-)
Jeremiah still sucks him thumb when he is watching TV at home and in his bed. The dentist suggested that I not make a big deal about it. He said that he will stop on his own. I guess that when he realizes that many children his age don't suck their thumbs, he will become self-conscious and stop.
Both my brother and sister sucked their thumbs. Sean went well into 1st grade, but when he noticed no one else his age sucked theirs, he stopped. Chrissy stopped sometime before kindergarten. The bad thing is they both ended up needed braces. My mom tried putting proactically anything on Sean's thumbs, and he ended up liking it and sucking it ANYWAY! =P Hopefully Lauren will just decide to stop on her own. =)
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