Man, I cannot believe how quickly time is flying by. Claire is one month old already!! She is so alert now and gets fussy when she isn't being stimulated. So far, she has the same personality as Curtis. It's kind of scary. She is also starting to smile now. She has a beautiful smile. She is getting better with her sleeping at night, but I cannot wait for her to sleep through the night. I am so tired, but the kids keep me busy. Sometimes I wish that I could clone myself so that I could be in two places at once. I hope that everyone had a nice Father's Day. On Saturday, we went to Walmart to get some diapers, and when we got back to the car our left rear tire was completely flat. Kevin took the spare tire out of the trunk and it was flat too! We ended up calling AAA to come fix the tire. The guy couldn't find any holes in the tire, so he told us to take the car around the back of Walmart to the automotive department to have them look at it. Well, three hours later we drove home with all new tires since they couldn't patch the other tire. Lauren had a fever all weekend, then broke out in a rash Monday night. We took her to Urgent Care yesterday and she has Roseola. That girl is keeping us on our toes! Her rash looks better today, but it's still there. We should also be getting her referral at the end of this week or early next week. We didn't get to take Kevin out for Father's Day since Lauren wasn't feeling good, but I did make Kevin a really cool Father's Day card from the kids. I am so proud of myself because it turned out better than I had imagined and Kevin loved it. Here are some pictures of it:
I cannot believe how big Claire is!!! She is definitely taking after Curtis. Had my Dr. appt. yesterday - uneventful. =( He is is position, but does not seem to want to come out yet. =D We'll see how next week goes. We're praying for Lauren!
Whoops, i accidentally posted under Tim's acct. =P
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