Today we spent all morning at Children's Hospital St. Paul doing more testing and following up with the gastroenterologist. I was very nervous about today. I wanted to find out what is causing the bleeding and prolapse, but also scared to find out and this time it was just Lauren and I since Curtis is back in school. I did cry a little on the way there, but once we arrived, it was game time. Lauren had her sweat test first and she did very well. She cried a little because the charges going through the electrodes hurt towards the end.
Here are the electrodes that she had on both arms.

This is the bracelet that measured the sweat. She had to wear these for 30 minutes.

Here are both arms with the bracelets bandaged up so that she wouldn't pull them off. Thankfully, she was able to play in the waiting room for the half hour that they were on her arms.

Giving Snoopy a hug after getting the bracelets off.

Here she is going through the kid door at Dr. Goldman's office. I love the little door and Lauren thought it was the coolest! Dr. Goldman told us that her bloodwork is normal, so no deficiencies. Since Lauren hasn't had any bleeding and prolapse in three weeks, Dr. Goldman told us that she doesn't need to come back unless she has more bleeding. If she does have bleeding, we need to call the office right away and they will order the scope to check for polyps. We also had another xray done to see if the stone has been flushed out of her appendix. Dr. Goldman will call us with the results of the xray and the sweat test. I did ask her what the next step would be if the stone was still in Lauren's appendix and she said that there isn't anything that they can do because she is too little to have her appendix removed. She said that we will have to be vigilant because she is going to be more prone to appendicitis. She also said that they can do surgery through her belly button, but we will get there when we get there. So we still don't know what is causing her bleeding, so we just watch and wait for now. Thank you all for praying for our sweet little girl.
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