Tuesday, December 9, 2008

16 Weeks

I can't believe that I am now in my 16th week of pregnancy. It sure has gone by fast. I had my doctor's appointment today and the baby's heartbeat sounds really good. I'm still losing weight, so the nurse scolded me. I can't help it, I just don't feel like eating. I'm still getting nauseous and gaging, but I haven't thrown up a whole lot. I was sick with Curtis for six months, so I'm not expecting it to end any time soon. We have our ultrasound scheduled for January 5th and we will not be finding out the sex of the baby. Here is a little teaser, the initials for the names we have chosen are L.A. and C.E. Have fun trying to figure those out! Until next time...


Mrs. E said...

My name guesses:

Claire Elizabeth
Lars Allan

Mrs. E said...

Lydia Ann
Clayton Evan


Mrs. E said...

When are you going to sign up for facebook? It's a fun way to waste time.

Mrs. E said...

Carlie Emma

Lewis Anthony

???? I like guessing names.

Mrs. E said...

Lee Alexander

Lee Allan


Mrs. E said...


Mrs. E said...
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Mrs. E said...


Sheri Miller said...

I have a little boy in my class this year named Levi. His full name is Leviticus. I thought it was original. But seeing that you already have a nephew named "Levi"...you most likely wouldn't use Leviticus. Your sister in law used a lot of L names already for her boys :-). Here's my guesses for names:

Christopher Ethan
Christian Ephram
Corey Elliot

Leah Anne
Lena Amariah
Linnea Annette

*You're welcome to use any of these name suggestions :-) Wishing the best of health for you and your children.