Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Another Prayer Request

I have another prayer request. Two months ago, my mom broke her foot and was in a special boot for 6 weeks. She fell out of bed one night trying to roll over with the boot on and her leg swelled up. The doctors thought that it was just from the boot being on all the time and figured it would stop once the boot was off. Well, the swelling was still there after the boot came off and the doctor suspected a blod clot, but couldn't find anything and my mom wasn't having any pain. Well, the doctor decided to do an ultrasound since the swelling wasn't going away. My mom had her ultrasound on Friday. As soon as she walked in the door, the phone was ringing and it was her doctor telling her that she had a big blood clot in her knee "that was like a giant black cloud" and to get to the hospital right away. So my mom spent Friday night and part of the day on Saturday in the hospital having bloodwork done and keeping an eye on the clot. She has to be on Coumadin and she has to inject herself with Heparin twice a day until Friday to speed up the Coumadin. She was fine Sunday, but had a really bad day yesterday with lots of leg pain that made her ill. She is taking the next few days off of work and sees the doctor on Friday. I will keep you posted on what the doctor says. I am very worried and it hurts that I can't be there with her. Please pray that the clot would dissolve and that it wouldn't break apart and float to places that it shouldn't. Thank you.

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