Monday, July 21, 2008


Lauren has four teeth coming in right now and she isn't handling it very well. I can't say that I blame her, I wouldn't feel too good either if I had four teeth coming in at once. The last few nights, she has been waking up throughout the night because of the pain. She has been so fussy and clingy, it's starting to wear on me. I just want these teeth to come in so I can get some rest. "This to shall pass" is what I keep telling myself, but it's not happening fast enough for me! Curtis is doing better with the potty training, but he refuses to let me know when he has to go. I just don't understand why boys have to be so stubborn. He tells me that he wants to be a big boy, but he is just holding on to that last little bit of babyhood. Hopefully he will be potty trained by the time Lauren starts!
Kevin and I had a wonderful anniversary lunch yesterday, alone! We haven't had a meal alone since Lauren was born. It's so nice to have adult conversations with my husband and no interruptions! I keep telling Kevin that we need to have date nights, but it hasn't happened yet. Someday...

1 comment:

Sheri Miller said...

I hope that Lauren is feeling better and sleeping soundly through the night soon. Your children are so adorable. You are doing such a great job raising both of them. It was fun seeing your family at Barry's birthday celebration in June! Enjoy the remainder of your summer!

Sheri Miller (Suzanne Evavold's sister)