Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Growing Up

I still can't believe that my children are 3 and 13 months. Boy, time sure does goes by very quickly and it seems like the years go by faster and faster with each new year. I remember when Curtis was 13 months and I was having a hard time because I wanted him to stay a baby forever, but I really enjoy the age he is at now. We can have conversations with eachother and he is always asking tons of questions. He wants to know how everything works and why things are the way they are. He even asks about the worship songs. Everytime a song comes on the Christian radio station that we listen to, he wants to know what the song is about. It really makes me think, and if I don't have an answer, Curtis gets upset. Curtis' sweet personality is now starting to make an appearance. On Sunday, when I was getting the kids ready for church, I was tying the ribbon on Lauren's dress and Curtis said to me, "Mommy, she looks like a princess." It was so sweet and our pastors wife told me that Curtis is the hugger in his class. What a nice little guy! Lauren is now entering the toddler age and no longer a baby. She is walking all over the place now and she has two more teeth coming in. She loves to sing, play with her dollies, and snuggle. The snuggle part is what Kevin and I really enjoy because Curtis wasn't a snuggler. She has more of a sillier personality than Curtis. She loves to make faces and she will even shake her head yes or no if we ask her a question. It's so cool!! I cherish every moment I have with my kids because they won't be mine forever.

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