Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Wow! It's been awhile since I've posted, but the kids keep me super busy so I don't have a whole lot of free time. We finally got Lauren's referral so she will be seeing the pediatric gastroenterologist on the 31st at our children's hospital. I'm relieved and a little scared to say the least. I'm hoping that we will find out what's causing her bleeding and the prolapse so that we can fix it, but I'm also afraid that they might find something bad or nothing at all. We have been dealing with this for eight months now and every time Lauren has a poopy diaper, I dread taking her diaper off because I don't know if there is going to be blood in there or if the prolapse is going to rear it's ugly head. It shouldn't be like this and I am so frustrated that the problem hasn't been resolved. Hopefully we will get some answers on the 31st.

In other news, Claire has started smiling and she smiles a lot! She is one happy baby and she is getting chubby. I weighed her two weeks ago and she was 11 lbs. so it will be interesting to see what her weight is at her two month check up. Her night sleeping has gotten much better, so she is only waking up once during the night. She is very alert during the day and loves to be entertained. She has a very similar personality to Curtis, so it will be interesting to see what she's like as she gets older. I can't wait...Anyway, that's all the scoop for now. Have a wonderful week.

1 comment:

Mommy of Three! said...

Yay! We are praying for Lauren, and cannot wait to see Claire smiling. =)