Thursday, August 7, 2008


Well, there they are, the beautiful teeth that have been bringing on the misery. I must say though, Lauren looks so cute with the new teeth. It gives her more of a personality, don't you think? We are still waiting for her first word. She loves to babble and the expressions on her face when she talks is priceless. I must write what Curtis said the other day. On Monday night, Curtis wasn't feeling very well and when I put him to bed, he was telling me that his tummy hurt because there was a frog in there. I'm not sure where he came up with a frog, but maybe that's what it felt like. Well, the next morning when I was getting him out of bed, I asked him how his tummy was feeling. He said,"My tummy's feeling better. The frog went to live somewhere else. He went back to the water." I couldn't help but laugh, he comes up with the weirdest things sometimes. Our children have the weirdest quirks. Curtis has a vivid imagination and a fetish for vaccuum cleaners. Lauren is our wild woman. She loves to stand up in the pack-n-play and shake it so it makes noise against the wall(while sticking her tongue out). The Lord definitely has a sense of humor, which makes my days very interesting.

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