Wednesday, April 15, 2009

34 Weeks

I can't believe that my pregnancy is almost over. I am so ready for it to be over and to meet this little one. I had my doctor's appointment yesterday and the doctor did an ultrasound. The baby looks so cute and chubby. No, I didn't find out what sex the baby was. I was very tempted, but we've waited this long, so I decided against it. The doctor didn't even look past the umbilical cord. The baby's heartbeat looked good and it's has chubby cheeks just like Curtis and Lauren. I also had to have the Group B Strep test done, so I'm now done with all of my tests. The doctor also checked my cervix since the baby has really been putting a lot of pressure on it. Thankfully my cervix was closed, but the baby is low and pushing on it. I have my next appointment in two weeks, then every week after that.


Mommy of Three! said...

Congratulations! It's getting closer and you are almost there! We're so excited for you and are praying for you. Get as much rest as you possibly can. Baby will be here before you know it. =)

Holly said...

Congratulations! Wow, I don't think I could stand not knowing the gender of my baby, lol!