Tuesday, March 17, 2009

30 Weeks

Well, I had my doctor's appointment today and it went well. The baby's heartbeat is good and strong. I passed my glucose test, but my iron levels are low which means I have to take iron pills for the rest of my pregnacy. I have never had anemia in my life, so this is very strange, but it could explain why I have been so tired this pregnancy. I just thought that it was from chasing around two small children. Oh well, that's just one more pill I have to take. I was also supposed to start coming in every other week, but the nurse said no, so I have one more month to go, which will put me at 34 weeks, then I will come back in at 36 weeks, then weekly after that. It doesn't make sense to me, but I will do it. I have now gained a total of 18 lbs. this pregnancy, so I'm doing good on the weight gain. Anything other than the 40 lbs. I gained with Curtis is great for me.

We are at my grandparents house and the kids are in the backyard playing. My grandmother has a turtle and Lauren is afraid of it. She is watching it swim in the pond, but if it gets out of the water, she cries and wants to be held. Curtis is trying to ride a bicycle. He hasn't figured out yet how to pedal the bike. At lunch today, Curtis was telling me how his hot dog was filled with molicules.(I know I spelled that wrong, but I can't think right now). That boy amazes me with the things he knows. Curtis is our brainiack and Lauren is our love bug. That girl gives the best hugs. I can't wait to see how they react to their baby brother or sister.

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