Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Wednesday Update

I just wanted to update everyone on how the kids are doing. Sunday evening, Lauren started vomiting and ended up vomiting all night long. On Monday, the kids and I went over to my grandmother's house, so that I could wash Lauren's sheets and her jammies. Lauren was still vomiting and Curtis still had diarrhea, but in the afternoon, Curtis woke up from his nap screaming. He wouldn't let anyone come near him let alone touch him. When I could finally get him to tell me what was wrong, he told me that his right ear hurt. I called Kevin to tell him that we needed to take Curtis to the doctor. After Kevin got home from work, we took Curtis to urgent care and my grandmother watched Lauren (she had stopped vomiting at this point). Urgent care was very busy, so we ended up waiting 1 1/2 hours to get in. While we were waiting, Curtis started vomiting. He vomited three times before we were finally seen. When we got to the triage area so the MA could take Curtis' vitals, Curtis was limp and very pale. When we got to the room, Kevin laid him on the exam table. That boy did not move and he just stared into space. I've never seen him like that and it was scary. The doctor came in and checked Curtis' heartrate. He got very concerned and told us that his heartrate was very high 140. He then asked us if Curtis was getting enough fluids and we told him that Curtis was vomiting up the water that he was drinking, plus he had diarrhea. So the doctor said that he was going to give Curtis some Zofran to hopefully stop the vomiting, so that we could get him to keep the water down. If that didn't work, then they were going to hook him up to an I.V. So, the doctor gave him the Zofran and we kept giving him water for 10 minutes and thankfully it worked. The color started coming back to Curtis' cheeks and he started to talk and notice everything in the room. After 10 minutes, the doctor came back in and checked Curtis' heartrate again, and it had gone down to 110. The doctor then checked Curtis' ears and confirmed that Curtis had an infection in his right ear. So Curtis is now on antibiotics for the next 10 days and Zofran if needed. We did have to use the Zofran yesterday because he started vomiting again. So today, Lauren hasn't had diarrhea or vomiting and Curtis still has diarrhea, but he has his appetite back and he has been drinking a lot of water. If his diarrhea doesn't go away in the next couple of days, I will call his doctor to see if there is anything that we can do. Please pray for Curtis that the Lord would just heal his body from whatever is causing this. Thank you.

1 comment:

Mommy of Three! said...

Oh goodness! Poor Curtis! We're praying for you buddy!