Tuesday, May 19, 2009

It Has Begun

I had my doctor's appointment this morning, and the baby has started the launch sequence. I am 3-4 centimeters dilated with 70% effacement and -2 station. The baby is still head down and has dropped. The nurse stripped my membranes to help things along, so we will see if that helps. I have my final appointment scheduled for next Wednesday, if I don't have the baby by then. If the baby hasn't come by then, we will induce. So, there will definitely be a baby next week if it doesn't happen this week. I can't wait to meet this little one!

In other news, Lauren has had two boughts of rectal bleeding this week. She was doing so good. I'm getting her back on the apple juice and Benefiber regimen again. She has also learned, from Curtis, how to climb into her crib. Thankfully she hasn't tried to climb out. She is learning so much and she has started to tell us that she wants to sit on the potty, especially when she poops. I'm hoping that she will be easier than Curtis to potty train. Curtis has also claimed me as his girlfriend. Good boy! I'm the only girlfriend he will have for a long time! We are also signing him up for a four week t-ball class starting in August. I can't wait! I hope you all have a good week.

1 comment:

Mommy of Three! said...

Yay! How exciting!!!! We're praying for you guys!